
How to learn English on your own for free

With access to the Internet, there's no need to spend your money on traditional English classes that often teach you textbook English for years and hinder you from becoming fluent in the language. On the internet, you can find thousands of high-quality resources to help you learn English for free in the comfort of your home, so below I gathered some tips that helped me learn English on my own and I hope it can help you as well! 1. I mmerse yourself in the language Surrounding yourself with English is by far the most useful method when it comes to learning a new language and since you may not live in an English-speaking country, you can create your own English environment at home by doing the following: Watching TV shows in English: This method can be applied differently depending on your English level, so you first need to assess where you are in your learning journey. If you are just starting off I would recommend you watch children's movies and cartoons, on the other
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